Catherine 28th October 2020

As many, if not all, of you know, Nan loved making cakes! Whether it be for weddings, birthdays, or just because she fancied, she always made the most wonderful cakes. My firm favourite of them all was her "Australian Fruit Cake" and I am sure everyone who ever visited Nan has had a slice. I have no idea why it was called Australian Fruit Cake - I cannot find a recipe that matches hers so I'm not sure where the name or the recipe actually came from, however this is the recipe that Nan gave me when I asked how to make it myself. It is probably the cake I make most often, and it is certainly the cake I have the most compliments about! I thought I would share her recipe so you can make the cake yourself and remember Nan whilst enjoying a slice with a cup of tea! Australian Fruit Cake 8oz Butter 8oz Caster Sugar 3 Eggs 6oz Self Raising Flour 6oz Plain Flour 6 tbsp Milk 8oz Raisins 2oz Mixed Peel 1tsp Lemon Essence 1. Prepare cake tin with greaseproof paper and grease and pre-heat oven at 190C. 2. Cream butter and sugar together. 3. Beat in eggs. 4. Sieve in flour. 5. Add milk to make dropping consistency. 6. Add fruit and essence. 7. Pour into tin. 8. Place in oven for 45 minutes at 190C and then turn down to 160C and bake for a further 60 minutes. 9. Check cake is cooked through and allow to cool. Personally, I cannot think of a better way to remember Nan than with cake, and as this is a favourite in my house, she will forever be with us! Love you always, Nan! xxx Catherine, Gavin, Kiah & Tiegan xxx